Thursday 19 January 2017

Why You Should Take a Ginger Bath During Your Menstrual Cycle (Cramps or Not!)

Baths are a regular part of my health regimen, and most of the time you can find me soaking in some Epsom Salts and essential oils. But around the time of my menstrual cycle, I switch to warming ginger baths to stimulate blood flow and add a healthy dose of heat to my body! I take one in the days leading up to my cycle, and another within the first 2 days of menstruation. This is the best way to soothe cramps and backaches, encourage the removal of old/stagnant blood, and banish “cold” from the uterus (from a TCM perspective, ‘cold’ is one of the 6 evils that contribute to illness).

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Maira Gall